Steering Group::
- Philippe De Maeyer, professor emeritus, Department of Geography, Ghent University
- Paul Janssens, professor emeritus, Catholic University in Brussels and Ghent University
- Wouter Ronsijn, post-doctoral researcher, Department of History, Ghent University
- Stijn Van de Perre, professor, Artevelde University College Ghent
- Bart Van de Putte, professor, Department of Sociology, Ghent University
- Eric Vanhaute, full professor, Department of History, Ghent University (promotor-spokesman)
Associated co-promotor: Marco H.D. van Leeuwen, full professor, Department of Sociology, Utrecht University
Project collaborator: Torsten Wiedemann, Department of History, Ghent University 
Layout website: Patrick Bekaert
Project co-ordinator and contact person: Sven Vrielinck, Department of History, Ghent University 
Project description
Project team