Where do I find the property description of a certain owner?
The cadastral matrices published by Popp contain a detailed list per municipality of all property per owner or group of owners with the same rights to a property. These registers are stored in libraries and archives all over the country. A large number of these documents were digitised by the Ghent University Library (in collaboration with POPPKAD) and the Royal Library of Belgium. The matrices can be consulted on the websites of these institutions or can be downloaded via the search engine on this website.
Those who want to trace the real estate details of a certain owner quickly by means of the search engine can download the original registers via the right column in the table with the query results. Go to the last page of these registers and scroll up to the concerned item number (the pages at the front of the matrices are reserved for general information about the municipality, names indexes and concordance charts).
The location of the properties can also be situated spatially based on the land registry maps published by Popp. Most maps are available on the Royal Library website and can be viewed via the links mentioned above.
Search engine
Which owners and what information appears in the database?
Reliability and spelling of names
Search tips
Example of property description in an original Popp matrice
Where do I find the property description of a certain owner?
Why doesn‘t the names register cover all municipalities?
Where can I find real estate details related to the missing municipalities?
Manual for researchers